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TopGun Shooting Club

TopGun Shooting Club focuses on the promotion of shooting sports and hobbies, as well as gun culture, with an emphasis on gun owner responsibility, safety and self-development, which is reflected in both our training and the commitment of our members.

About the shooting club

According to Einar Lillo, a member of the TopGun Shooting Club Board, the main objective of the club’s activities is the promotion of shooting sports and hobbies, as well as gun culture, i.e. gun ownership starts with knowledge of gun culture, safety, respect for others and responsibility, and only then comes technical equipment, tactical skills and regular training.

Just as the tatami is a sacred place for the oriental martial arts admirer to enter with respect and reverence, the shooting range is a sanctuary for the gun owner to enter with a clear head and a clear conscience, and to leave an even better man.

Our aim

All members of the club sign and confirm: by joining the club, I am joining for the purpose of promoting shooting sports and hobby, gun culture and related personal development. Weapons and marksmanship, like any other art form, are based on philosophy, culture, skills and responsibility, and their social impact. Weapons and shooting cannot and must not be seen only in the context of equipment, technical abundance and skills.

Shooting sports and training start with knowledge of the culture of the weapon and the ability and skill to take on the responsibility that goes with it.

Ready to join?

If the above principles appeal to you and you would like to train regularly and engage in self-development at TopGun Shooting Club, please contact us.

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